SEXY - Driving Force of Life
10.11.2023 – 30.6.2024
The special exhibition «SEXY - Driving Force of Life» closed its doors on 30 June 2024. Over 60,000 people visited the exhibition. The educational programmes for school classes were particularly popular. A total of 245 school classes used the special exhibition as an extracurricular learning centre.
The exhibition showed the role sex plays in reproduction. Guests could discover that some animals have two sexes, while some have none and others have several. There are animals that can change their sex and animals that can have two sexes at the same time. But they all have one thing in common: they want to reproduce.
With astonishing stories, impressive specimens, and interactive elements, we showed the lengths animals will go to to breed. They turn on the charm with their best displays and most splendid plumage. In the survival of the fittest, animals fearlessly fight off the competition with the ultimate aim of becoming attentive parents who watch over their young. But there isn’t a clear pattern to their roles: The animal kingdom is ahead of its time and has always had different family models.
This exhibition was exciting for kids and adults. While adults could marvel at the many different types of pairing and the desires and frustrations of animals’ mating rituals, kids could find out how it feels to grow up protected by a womb, pouch or egg. We used a variety of young animal specimens to show how they started life and who smoothed their pathway to adulthood.