Free access
The Natural History Museum Basel is also keen to offer people with additional needs an exciting and enthralling visit. This is arranged in close collaboration with various disabled organisations in the Basel region and beyond.
Services for people with additional needs
The Natural History Museum Basel regularly holds guided tours and workshops on the subjects of its permanent exhibitions or on special exhibitions.
Many of these events are designed so that all visitors are able to participate. However, we take particular care and are very willing to accommodate the special abilities and needs of people with disabilities.
Induction Loops
We are happy to provide induction loops for people with a hearing impairment.
Services for visitors with visual impairment
Please touch! – in our permanent exhibitions
'Please touch!' is written in the areas containing objects that we expressly allow you to touch. With these exhibits, we want to break down another barrier so that people with visual impairment also have the opportunity to experience the Natural History Museum Basel up close.
These areas have been designed for blind and visually impaired people as well as for people with normal sight. The texts are written in an easy-to-read font for people with visual impairment and in Braille for blind people. The objects are presented in such a way that they can easily be understood by people with visual impairment. They are also easily accessible to people in a wheelchair and to children.
The areas have been made possible with the kind support of the Emma Schaub Foundation.
Services for visitors with hearing impairment
Induction Loops
With an audiogide device, which you can get at the cash desk, the induction loop is plugged into the device instead of a headphone. Hearing aids must have T-coils activated and must be manually switched to the T-programme.
For tour guide devices on guided tours, an induction loop can also be attached instead of headphones.
Do you have questions about the use of the induction loop? The Northwestern Switzerland Association for the Hard of Hearing can provide information:
Guided tours with sign language interpreter
Our staff guide people with hearing impairment through the permanent and special exhibitions together with a sign language interpreter.
There are portable audio guides with connections for headphones and induction loops for hearing aid systems available on all guided tours in the exhibitions.
Service: If required, we can arrange a sign language interpreter.
Additional fees: Sign language interpreter fee
Services for visitors with mental disability
The workshops include a practical session in which participants are able to create a small keepsake of their visit. We adapt the themes of the workshops to the age, needs and abilities of the participants.
Groups need to register three weeks before the date of their visit.
Guided tours & events
Dates by arrangement
Duration: 1 to 2 hours or as arranged
Places available: max. 10 people
Admission per group: CHF 180.–
Registration: nmb@bs.ch
More information on the procap access monitor and on visits to our museum can be found via the following links:
Guided tours & events
We offer various behind-the-scenes events for groups. At these events, people with visual impairment are able to touch and experience collection objects at their own pace.
Duration: 1 hour
Places available: max. 12 people
Admission: from CHF 180.–
For further informatin about barrier-free visits, please see here: