Friends of the Museum
The aim of the Friends of the Natural History Museum Basel is to awaken and strengthen the interest of the population in the Natural History Museum Basel.
The association organizes excursions, guided tours and lectures for the members, which complement the activities of the museum. The financial means are mainly used for the purchase of objects or equipment to complement the collection or the exhibitions of the Natural History Museum Basel.
Become a member today
As a member of the Friends, you will benefit from the following offers:
- Free admission to the special and permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Natural History Basel.
- Exclusive member events such as previews of special exhibitions, guided tours or excursions
- Subscription to the Museum Pass "Museums-PASS-Musées" at a reduced price
- Regular information about the activities of the museum
Membership fees
Annual fee
Single person CHF 40.–
Partner / Family (children < 18 y.): CHF 70.–
For life
Single person CHF 650.–
Partner / family (children < 18 y.): CHF 900.–
Board members
Gabriele Christ, Präsidentin
Hans-Rudolf Rüegg, Vizepräsident
Dr. Andreas Burkhard, Beisitzer
Barbara Kugler, Aktuarin
Christian Obrist, Beisitzer
Johannes Regenass, Kassier
Christine Stocker, Sekretärin
Basil Thüring, Co-Direktor Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Dr. Caspar Vogel, Beisitzer
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Christine Stocker
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