2011 – 2017
Craft years of travel and self-employment with company headquarters "Art & Molds" in Germany
2008 – 2012
Bachelor of Fine Arts / AKI - ArtEZ Academie voor Art & Design Enschede / Netherlands
Further Education
Seminar on project management
Seminar project management basics
Visiting student methods of archaeoanthropology: skeletal anatomy
Visiting student Introduction to Archaeoanthropology
Further training in orthopedic technology at the Heidelberg University Hospital
Further education Lifelike Figures - Atelier for figure making Berlin
2010 – 2011
Advanced training in zoological preparation at the LWL – Museum of Natural History in Münster
Since 2019
Membership in the Bird Protection Association - Committee against Bird Killing (CABS)
Since 2018
Membership in the Association of Natural Scientific Preparations in Switzerland (VNPS)
Since 2012
Membership in the Association of German Taxidermists Germany (VDP)
Exhibition construction and repairs to animal models / National Park House Museum Fedderwardersiel, Germany
Figure construction and costume design / independent theater group Uffjäiden Section Basel, Switzerland
2015 – 2017
Exhibition setup, taxidermy and processing of historical taxidermy, Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland
Prototype production of hand epitheses with realistic skin structures in HTV silicone / orthopedic technology in the University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Prototype production of a Camel Breeding Mount / Central Veterinary Research Laboratory Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2013 – 2014
Processing of historical animal preparations and repair of historical dioramas / Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany
Production of a diorama for a cave bear / natural history museum in the Ottoneum Kassel, Germany
Production of a multi-part large sculpture of a giant squid / natural history museum in the Ottoneum Kassel, Germany
Design and manufacture of a mechanical dolphin head model / LWL – Museum für Naturkunde Münster, Germany
2011 – 2012
Preparation of mammals, scientific preparation and casting technique / LWL - Museum of Natural History Münster, Germany
Projects and museumsactivities
Revision and processing of various parts of the collection (geology, zoology and anthropology)
Project management for an asbestos removal of several skeleton assemblies
Mold and model making, realistic reconstructions made of plastic Supervision of the degreasing plant for skeletons
Supervision of the degreasing plant for skeletons