2008 – 2012
PhD in the Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich: 'Molecular phylogeny and Systematics of long legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)'
2000 – 2005
Master in Biology (Zoology): 'Interactions of herbivorous beetles, polyphagous beetles and three different grassland types (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Curculionoidea, Carabidae)'
Since 2018
Curator Life Sciences, Natural History Museum Basel
2015 – 2018
Scientific Collaborator Invertebrates & Library Solothurn Natural History Museum
2011 – 2015
Scientific Assistant Natural History Museum Bern
2009 – 2015
Scientific Collaborator Natural History Museum Lucerne
Scientific interest
Systematics, taxonomy, biology and biogeography of weevils (Curculionoidea) and phytophagous beetles in general
Germann, C. & Wartmann, S. 2024. Das Steppenelement Adosomus roridus (Pallas, 1781) in der Schweiz und erste Dokumentation der Entwicklung in Artemisia absinthium L. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Alpine Entomology 8: 147-151
Camenzind, D. W., Chanasit, W., Germann, C., Yañez, O., Neumann, P., Maitip, J. & Straub, L. 2024. A novel parasitic beetle, Procoryphaeus violaceus, in stingless bees, Tetragonula pagdeni. Journal of Apicultural Research 1-3.
Germann, C., Kakiopoulos, G. & Borovec, R. 2024. Pseudomyllocerus thracicus sp. nov. from northern Greece (Coleoptera; Curculionidae; Entiminae). Zootaxa 5447 (4): 583–590.
Etter, W., Puschnig, A., Germann, C., Borer, M., Costeur, L., Wüest, U. & Weiss, J. 2024. Kuriositäten in den Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel (NMB). Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel 21: 19-63.
Germann, C. & Giriens, S. 2024. Erstmeldung des südwestalpinen Polydrusus (Chlorodrusus) abeillei abeillei Desbrochers, 1869 für die Schweiz (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Entomo Helvetica 17: 17–22.
Germann, C., Braunert, C. 2023. Anchonidium selvanum sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Molytinae) from northern Portugal. Alpine Entomology 7: 195–200.
Germann, C., Grebennikov, V. 2022. First record of the litter-inhabiting weevil genus Protacallodes (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae) from outside of Japan, with description of a new species from Taiwan. Integrative Systematics 5 (2): 121–135.
Projects and Museum Activities
Subfamily Entiminae (short-nosed weevils) in the Mediterranean region
Genus Dichotrachelus (moss weevils)
Weevils of Switzerland
Weevils of Greece
Renewal permanent exhibition 1st floor including insect room at the Solothurn Natural History Museum Dauerausstellung
Renewal permanent exhibition 'Insects' at the Zoological Museum Zurich