1993 – 1999
Earth Sciences at the Mineralogical-Petrographical Institute in the Department of Geology-Palaeontology of the University of Basel. Master of Science
Further Education
Management development programme for employees with potential
Since January 2018
Co-Director, Natural History Museum Basel
Since 2003
Head of the Department of Geosciences and Member of the Management Board, Natural History Museum Basel
2002 – 2003
Collection manager, Department of Geology at the Natural History Museum Basel
2000 – 2001
Development and lead for the project "Section de Paléontologie" at the Office du Patrimoine historique, République et Canton du Jura (Palaeontological monitoring of the A16 Transjurane motorway (http://www.palaeojura.ch/)
Scientific Collaborator at the Natural History Museum of Solothurn
Marty, D., Belvedere, M., Meyer, Ch.A., Mietto, P., Paratta, G., Lovis, C., Thüring, B. (2010): Comparative analysis of Late Jurassic sauropod trackways from the Jura Mountains (NW Switzerland) and the central High Atlas Mountains (Morocco): Implications for sauropod ichnotaxonomy; Historical Biology 22(1-3):109-133
Meyer, C. A., Thüring, S., Wizevich, M. C., Thüring, B., and Marty, D. (2015) The Norian and Rhaetian dinosaur tracks of eastern Switzerland in the light of sequence stratigraphy, Abstract Volume of the 13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 20.-21.11.2015, Basel, Switzerland, 154-155.
Meyer, Ch.A. and Thüring, B. (2003): Dinosaurs of Switzerland. C. R. Palevol 2, 103-117.
Meyer, C. A., E. D. Frey, B. Thüring, W. Etter, and W. Stinnesbeck (2005): Dinosaur tracks from the Late Cretaceous Sabinas Basin (Mexico). Kaupia 14:41-45.
Meyer, Ch.A., Marty, D., Thüring, B., Stecher, R., und Thüring, S. (2013): Dinosaurierspuren aus der Trias der Bergüner Stöcke (Parc Ela, Kanton Graubünden, SE-Schweiz); Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel 14 (2013)
Meyer, Ch. A. & Thüring, B. (2003): The First iguanodontid dinosaur tracks from the Swiss Alps (Schrattenkalk Formation, Aptian). Ichnos Special Issue Part 11, p. 221 –238.
Thüring, B., Meyer, Ch.A., Graf, K. and Bucher, S. (2003): Cal Orcko, the world largest dinoaur tracksite - Aspects of assessment, protection and conservation; 1st European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontology Meeting - Basel, Switzerland.
Projects and Museum Activities
Selected projects:
New building for the Natural History Museum Basel
User representative for the project, opening 2023
Wardrobe, picnic and seminar rooms
Project lead, opening 2015
Photography exhibition Xavier Mertz
Project lead, November 2013 – March 2014
New workshops
Project lead NMB, opening 2012
Temporary exhibition "Work to the bone – when skeletons speak"
Member of the project team, October 2011 – September 2012
Temporary exhibition "Animatus"
Project lead, June – August 2008
Temporary exhibition "Deep Sea"
Member of the project team, October 2007 – April 2008
Permanent exhibition "Dinos and Sauropods"
Project lead, opening August 2004